Dancing Milkcarton

Unwilling to learn what? How shitty Android's tablet apps are? That's a lesson I hope they never learn.

Turns out the joke's on you.

Once it gets jailbroken and I can load XBMC on it to stream from my NAS, I'm there.

Totally agree - I'd pay that for the sports channels.

We get a lot of shows from .nzbs, but I need ESPN on all of our TVs, not to mention the ability to time-shift sports on them as well. If I can get over that I'd totally cut the cord.

Just this morning I heard on the radio that Kroger was still going to use the goop in their ground beef you buy at all of their supermarkets.

You seemed to miss the whole bus. Pegatron is actually an Asus hardware manufacturing company.

"Apple's industrial blast" ?

I use Chrome as well - but I'm glad Flash is dead - especially in the mobile world. Apple gets Karma points for hastening its death.

You lost me at "1. Apples hatred for flash (Mobile or not mobile) is disgusting & the way people stick up for apples decision to put out a crappy safari - that doesn't run flash well is absurd. "

Reminds me of a certain company who used Java for its OS and didn't give credit as well.

Google made YouTube sucky everywhere. I remember when I could watch a whole 3 minute video without it stopping to buffer. I think that was 5 years ago or so.

She'll be disappointed to find out that mobile Flash is dead. Dead forever. Hallelujah.

While admittedly no longer 'slick', it sure as hell is more unified and solid than its competitors.

It's plenty relevant to IE.

"IE10 is pretty awesome."

I love Microsoft's sudden embrace for web standards with IE (/s) - but it's way too late on the mobile side. The war there is over and they know it. It's all about webkit - and there's no way they'll ever crack the 5% usage bar. In other words, devs won't work too hard to make sure mobile IE looks as nice as

Envy is such a gross emotion.

I bet that machine smells of petuli.

Those are the tears of Android tablet users.