Dancing Milkcarton

A couple of months ago I saw a JaB commercial for 'buy one suit, get two suits free!'

I'd hate to see the deductible on those.

No kidding. I eat about 1/2 carton a day (~5 large strawberries on top of steel cut oatmeal), so I go through a carton every 2 days. Good luck trying to buy more than one carton at a time - this might save us a few trips to the store each week!

I eat LOTS of strawberries, and if you're lucky enough to find a good carton after picking through stacks of soggy, half-rotten selections, you'll usually be disappointed by the second or third day when it looks like a rat is living in your fridge gnawing on the damn things.

What a timely post. I just started ME1 on Wednesday (yeah, yeah, I know - but I've never been much of a RPG kinda guy - and I couldn't help it after seeing how great ME3 looked).

Go outside and get some fresh air, then come back and realize that your preference of mobile OS means squat.

Why is it so surprising that Dell is being cool about this?

If you lift correctly and use the right intervals you can have just as great of a cardio workout.

Wrong - they're working harder than ever at Enterprise. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not happening. It is.

We also can't wait for you to do that.

How fitting, in the end the joke's on you.

Insecure much?

Christ, I would move.

I eat lots of blueberries everyday - doesn't do that to me.

Do you have eyes?

Confirmed: fucking creepy.

"RIM's co-CEOs, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie aka the keyboard loving odd couple, are finally realizing they're running BlackBerry into the ground and jumping ship before it's too late."

If you're not counting Enterprise customers who buy licenses by the 10's of thousands like they're candy, Apple is crushing them.

Siri != OS

Agreed - that's about the number of friends I interact with on Facebook. I've been lax lately, and that number has crept up to 130, but I could easily nuke to 25 or so and just have the people I really give a shit about.