
I feel you on that one!

Great question. If home made, then Taco. If from Burrito Libre, then burrito with potato, veggies, and pork.

It will depend on the characteristics of the roadway. On a roadway with no or very little left turns and under capacity through movements you are correct. On most roadways though, it’s pretty well a slam dunk - the delays caused by people waiting to turn left are eliminated and they are a significant cause of delay.

No shortage of cans in Canada. But really we do a lot of thins the same as Americans.

The idea is that water passes through the concrete and drains. The major issue with pervious concrete in colder climates is spreading sand for traction on top of the pervious concrete which fills the voids and renders it more or less useless.

you did 20 beta-max in 20 nights already? 40 laser discs in 40 days and nights up next?

Nothing wrong with going to a show alone. Hopefully you meet some folks there with similar tastes in music.

The leading image for this post, with the Kim-Jong-Un-Mouse is pretty good too.

I can unfortunately second this advice.

hmmm. Texas pretty far away from me. I’ll have to check out farmers’ markets ‘round here for delish pickles.

I prefer a zesty dill.

Thanks for the post. I opted for the third option a few years back. Stayed on islands closer to the main land, took a lot of day trips and camped a few nights on some smaller islands. The San Blas Islands are easily the most perfect beautiful beaches, water, and islands that I have ever seen.

You definitely need to wash the silicone trays regularly. I wash mine about every second use and don’t have any issues any more.

You definitely need to wash the silicone trays regularly. I wash mine about every second use and don’t have any

and I can show you increasing obesity rates over that same time...

not sure your argument holds water. Guns are relatively difficult to obtain in Canada and military service is not that popular in Canada - but I think Canada has a lower homicide rate by guns than Greece.

I disagree. I don’t think there is a forbidden fruit sort of thing happening. Kids are spending 7 hours a day with media devices. That doesn’t sound like forbidden fruit - it sounds like addiction territory. The tragedy isn’t that a kid has fun on an iPad. This isn’t an anti-fun argument - its that this amount of

Something to note, is that in retail prices that we see in North America are quite a bit less that what would be the posted price on Alibaba. Even a $500 bike turns into at least $1000 to cross the pacific because of shipping, tax, insurance, and the oddly high duties we place on bikes in North America. I get that

No I get it. What I’m saying is that I am going to take responsibility for the parts I can change and be a positive influence there. I am not planning on changing all the internet, or reddit. I will call people out in cases where I might have some influnece. That doesn’t generally mean engaging in discussions with

I keep my property clean. I also clean off the sidewalk near my place. I volunteer with the community league to keep the community garden clean. So yeah, it’s like going to a place and not taking any responsibly for the things you can change. I can’t clean a whole county but I can positively affect parts around me.

Agreed. Saying “that’s just how it is”, has solved no problems.