
No, Starship Troopers really is just dumb. Just because a movie has some satire and allusions to history doesn’t make it a good movie. Is Star Wars: The Phantom Menace a great movie just because it made some half-ass allusions to Christianity? This is the movie Verhoeven made between Showgirls and Hollow Man, which is

I suspect the changes to Rogue One were probably a good thing. From what I heard they were supposed to keep it from turning into a traditional war film (in spite of the name Star Wars these are fantasy/sci-fi films and not war porn), and even with the changes it felt like the most cliche war movie ever. They literally

Star Wars has nothing to do with us, if you’re obsessing over where we fit in their timeline you’re Star Wars-ing wrong.

Actually she’s one of the biggest Mary Sue’s of all time, eclipsed only by a couple of Marty Stus named Wesley Crusher and Dash Rendar. If you disagree you’re either in denial, have an agenda or like most people just don’t really understand the concept of Mary Sue/Marty Stu and have a knee-jerk reaction that it’s

No need to get it on Steam, I still have my N64 and the cartridge.