
"Coolest capabilities and opportunities"

Old military guy waxes poetic about the cold-war days, thinks all this "new fangled technology" can never be as good as the good old gear we used to fly, and supports McCain. I'm also going to assume Tom Clancy fetishist and Corvette owner.

That is a great angle!

Either you never served in the Marines, or you have no respect for other branches, or you have a need to sound "cool" on the internet by acting like the Marines are better than other branches.

WSOs are NFOs

As a seat mech that worked on Delta's, fuck the ATARS package. The Delta has an ECS system that doesn't really put out an excess of cooling capability and then they shove in the ATARS and cause all kinds of problems. I never had as many issues on Delta's with an ATARS package than the rest of the them put together.