it’s the little things that count :)
and this ;)
shiver me timbers!! this looks awesome...
as a quake TF player i scream “NAILGUN!!!!”
i had an 11 hour flight and was the unlucky bastard that was seated right beside the toilet in economy. i remember every time someone took a shit and opened that door , the rank smell would waft right to my area, had to leave my seat, stood up for like most of the flight.
fallout 2 is still my fav!!! check out the FOnline Reloaded (fallout 1/2 mmo) i’ve never shoveled so much brahmin poop in my life
oh gawsh the controls
i wish the x-mas present was destiny on pc :( like reading the articles never played the game and wont get a ps4
lol nevermind did a reverse image search “derp” .... its called “supa rap battle parody”
where is the sauce for the gif? i need the source bad yo
yeah..when civ iv first came out my wife and i had a fight after she went to bed at 10pm and next thing its like 8 am and she catches me still playing Civ IV.. i have that “baba yetu” song forever ingrained in me noggin’
this looks exactly like the "triebflugel x-plane" invented by the nazi's during ww2
lol so silly