
At first I thought the scene in The Vow where Mark’s mother was yelling at him on the phone to get his f*ing life together was harsh. Now I think she speaks for all of us who had to watch the mod, psychedelic footage of him staring off into fields of Clifton Park.

Part of the reason that The Vow was so frustrating and weird is that a very large chunk of it is these “whistleblowers” patting themselves on the back for getting out of the cult without mentioning how much money they were making. I thought their party for the New York Times story was in poor taste, putting it mildly.

I had a college class with Erica Rand. She is AWESOME.

Regardless of what was or wasn’t between Ken doll’s legs, my best friend and I always played “Dirty Barbies,” which meant that we’d make clothes for the Barbies out of scrap material, drape it around them, and Ken would tear it off. We’d mash Ken and Barbie(s) together while we made “uh uh uh uh uh” noises.  I have no

Deadspin is dead. They deleted all the comments. And the staff just resigned. Yet, here, and at the other G/O sites, writers are posting and continuing on as if nothing happened. Shame.

I’m going to make a movie just like Yesterday where a guy wakes up and suddenly nobody but him remembers Steely Dan, and it will be a documentary about my life.

Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.

Take a look under the sink, many PVC S-bends are held together with simple threaded collars that are easy to take apart by hand or with a big pair of channel-lock pliers. Not sure what the situation is in India, but US hardware stores carry replacement kits in case you break one of the pieces. This would also be a

Take a look under the sink, many PVC S-bends are held together with simple threaded collars that are easy to take

One of those “unintended consequences” that Sandberg referred to? A survey by the Lean In Foundation and Survey Monkey, according to Sandberg, found that “60 percent of male managers in the United States are not willing right now, are nervous, about having a one-on-one interaction with a woman.” Per Variety,

As far as I’m concerned, masturbation is the best form of cardio.

“As far as I am concerned, she’s no longer Speaker of the House.”

She really isn’t out there on the left. She wants to roll back some republican tax cuts and use that money to pay for stuff. Compared to other western countries she’s not far left at all. 

Who could have seen this coming?

I find it so strange. The book won the Pulitzer, was lauded by Mikiko whatserface from the New York Times, etc., and I literally don’t know a single person who liked it (including me). But I also hated A Secret History, so clearly Donna Tartt and I are not meant to be.

Right at this frame I was wondering, “The Jew Pope”? That would be different, I guess.

It’s a little known fact that most 90s musicians achieved success via magically enhanced talismans that they had to sport to maintain their fame. Adam Duritz had the faux dreads, Nelly had the bandaid,the Spice Girls had platform shoes. It was a time of high magic and dark, unspeakable fashion.

Dropping a ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ in frustration is no longer news. It’s just vocabulary, but CNN would like to get a news cycle out of it.

I had the exact same thing happen to me with Sudoku. Only it was the number 8 and the person was my ex-insurance agent.

Again, why does no one on this show consult lawyers?  Pushing someone away from the person they’re beating up is not illegal.  If he accidentally falls down the stairs, that’s still not illegal.  Heck, considering their differences in size and strength, she could have shot him and gotten away with it.  Literally none