first of all, how i feel about liberal takes:
first of all, how i feel about liberal takes:
I’ve not watched even a single episode of this show, but I was watching this one over my girlfriend’s shoulder (she had headphones on too, so couldn’t hear). All I saw was a lot of Elizabeth Moss making overly dramatic faces directly to the camera, and at one point, a whole lot of nostril. Then a black lady gets shot…
Boeing oughta rename the 737 MAX 8 the 737 Biden in honor of how fast his campaign has crashed after takeoff.
I believe he can lie.
God, that was SUCH complete bullshit. Everything I know about Kavanaugh, from the fact that he tried to force an undocumented teenager (a victim of sexual assault, no less) to give birth, to the many lies he’s told during confirmation hearings, to the sheer hypocrisy of him wanting his personal life kept private after…
The republicans seem to think that “believing women” is the same as “I believe you.... are mistaken.”
I’m currently halfway across the world, have been ill and swamped with work, but I could not stop reading the updates on this case, and feeling my blood boil, with every new statement, new update, I feel the anger in me building and building. I’m sorry to any woman (or man), who has to live with the consequences if…
I used to be sad as a teen that I stayed home reading books and watching old movies on TCM. Now, thank god, and no one can beat me at movie trivia!
This is discussed over on the Splinter thread, but just for anyone who didn’t see it:
I’m almost 70 now. At 13, I was fueled up with about a half a pitcher of orange juice heavily laced with vodka, then, in a stupor, sexually assaulted, by a 21 year old man who was a friend of my best friend’s older brother. I never reported this to any official. Never will. Never told my parents or my siblings. My…
If your body was cooled to -220, then you are Iceman, and you should be monetizing the shit out of your newfound super powers, not trying to be Marky Mark.
I just printed this out to save during dark times as a reminder that I am not alone and can work through it. The part about being stuck in a holding pattern is so true, I feel like that is what I have been fighting for the last fifteen years. It takes so much away from you but most importantly, health and time are the…
I hope she gets closure and he dies lonely and alone in jail. Also, I like her hair.
haverchuck forever!
Heretic time: Am I the only one who wouldn’t mind if Saul increased the story incident to stylish montage ratio just a bit?
No one was hornier than I was in high school and like Kavanaugh I went to an all male prep school.
But what about all of the mediocre white dudes? Who will make movies about them?
You left out the most haunting part of the obituary, the part that really broke me. It made me finally understand that line in all the movies that says killing a person haunts you:
BCS is excellent but I can’t join the “better than Breaking Bad” bandwagon. It’s like 70% as good, for me (though that still makes it one of the best few dramas on TV right now). Breaking Bad moved with ruthless purpose even when it was going at a slow pace; there was very little fat on it. Whereas sometimes Saul gets…