Three women claim Halperin, while fully clothed, pressed his erection against their bodies without their consent.
Three women claim Halperin, while fully clothed, pressed his erection against their bodies without their consent.
I totally understand the rage thing.
Jesus. You and the rickshaw driver are brave as hell.
Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf.
A couple of months ago, my boyfriend and I were walking back to our house from an event at a local hipstery bar in our neighborhood in Indianapolis. Ours is the poster child for hipster neighborhoods. I always feel very safe being out and about, even if I’m alone.
This is not a ghost story, but a horrible human encounter. This happened about 4.5 years ago:
It’s 1995, I’m 12 years old and it’s the year McDonald’s is selling commemorative glass mugs of the highly successful, highly praised, masterpiece of a film, Batman Forever. I was excited to own one of these mugs and my mom got me the Two-Face one.
Ugh, I feel like people were and are willing to excuse this because he is clearly wasted and has since gotten treatment for his substance abuse issues, but as a sober alcoholic I just want to say, being drunk and having a substance abuse issue is not an excuse for assaulting women (or anyone).
Dear Judi Dench,
I wanted to convey that I specifically chose to do this project and spent a whole year on it, and it still was awful ;)
You know it. Black rat, pink tail. I think it was a portrait of my gerbil, who later lost her tail in a play-date accident.
So I have 2 different sources for knowing this guy is an absolute menace. My tween daughter is an actor and though we don’t live in LA, we’re there quite a bit. I have to be on the set with her at all times but there is so much down time, especially when she’s off doing a scene and I’m just sitting there for hours.…
I came of age in the 60s and 70s how am I supposed to know typewriters don’t send email?
Imagine if we took the 60s and 70s excuse for any other aspect of the job.
Fictional food: One of Bob’s burgers of the day. The through line of the show is that, in spite the restaurant always being on the brink of failure, the burgers are incredible. They have exquisite mouthfeel. Yeah, burgers are everywhere, and good burgers aren’t hard to find, but I just love sitting down to an…
Los Pollos Hermanos? That always confused me. At the Latino/Hispanic chicken joints I’ve run into were always grilled and not fried. Like Super Pollo, El Pollo Fino or even that pinche gabacho El Pollo Loco. Fried chicken has been cornered by the Koreans and the Cambodians.
Da Vinci: “Hey thanks for swinging by the studio so late - would you like some wine?”
Weiner, a self-described “sexual mongoose,”
Old Nutmeg’s tale of long living warms my cold bitter heart. Yesterday, a vet tech I’m friendly with was stopped behind a Prius and a stoplight near our downtown. When the light changed to green, she saw something get tossed out the passenger window as they hit the gas. Not a fast food bag, not a towel, nope, it was a…