This is going to be long: (apologies)
This is going to be long: (apologies)
I’m desperately trying to keep my cat from cooking our family dinner every night.
Well, the objective standard in the legal setting is meant to get around situations like the one you described in the first part of your comment; and the option you described in the second part (walking away) is certainly one of the things a juror could consider when applying the what would a reasonable person in…
So in the Vice documentary, isn’t he the guy pouring milk on himself and spewing about how he got pepper sprayed by a “Communist”? So, did he spray at someone and then walk right into the cloud like an idiot? Did the wind blow it right back in his face?
So “objective” like he thought he could choose pepper spray or beating a reporter with a reality “objectively”he could have just turned and walked the other direction ending the despite without any violence whatsoever.
It really depends on what he was doing beforehand. Was he goading on his alleged attacker? Was he using threatening language? Was he trying to intimidate them?
Quite true. I have some idea about how the mayor of Charlottesville feels about all of this, and there are plenty of locals were plenty horrified with the whole godawful violent (deadly) spectacle, but you never know who’s going to end up on any jury. My jaded guess is an anti-climatic voluntary plea of guilty to…
Great questions. I wish I could speak a little more confidently, but I don’t practice criminal law, so I’m basically trying to remember stuff from law school.
No need for a law degree to predict the disposition of Herr Nazi’s case—-his chances of acquittal will be directly proportional to the number of aggrieved white folks on his jury.
So, he was told two weeks ago “you need to come in and straighten out this warrant situation” and he made a crybaby video where he talked about having guns and getting in a gunfight with the police instead. How much trouble would he be in for ignoring a warrant? Did he resist arrest by staying on the lam for so long…
I’ve posted many other comments on this story but damn if I don’t snicker at his last name. So perfectly fitting.
Self-defense for criminal cases vary from state to state, and I am not a VA attorney; but in general:
My boyfriend and I were rolling together at a rave. He started crying because he thought I was literally Satan and all I wanted was to love on him. I kept trying to hug him and kiss him and call him George and he was screaming like a banshee when I got near him. My best friend at the time was sober and tasked with…
Trump shaped ecstacy should be called agony instead.
Most pundits and journalists remind me of a kid who is absolutely sure that this time, this time, Dad is going to show up for them. Listen Sport, not everyone who becomes a father is cut out to be a dad, and not everyone who becomes a president is cut out to be something other than the country’s malevolent id. Now…
Eric Trump looks like the ghost that appeared after the photo was developed.
Don’t forget to fight. It’s so fucking exhausting. Ever morning I think, can’t I just stay in bed?
DAMN! This is so well put. You’re right, it’s the shady, shifty, needlessly hurtful crap where he had nothing to gain but making him think he’s the smartest guy in the room stuff that really shines a flood light on his complete moral depravity.