Right? It’s mildly unsettling—and this was only three years ago for me. We are part of the future that was. Or some word jumble like that.
Right? It’s mildly unsettling—and this was only three years ago for me. We are part of the future that was. Or some word jumble like that.
Funnily enough, I met my fiancee on Tinder, back in ye olde days when you didn’t have to pay and all you saw was that you’d been matched—as in, you’d both swiped right on each other. I just sent him a link to this post and his exact response was, “Whaaaa?” When the old generation of Tinder is getting sniffy about the…
Don’t apologize! You are a mensch!
“It strains credulity to imagine that any person, anywhere, could reasonably believe that any city could authorize you via a ‘permit’ to show up and spray people with any kind of caustic agent.”
That’s right where my mind went, too. No matter how ludicrous his argument for self-defense might be, it might be just what is needed for a sympathetic jury to acquit.
Yup, that’s him. As qdaniels pointed out, I guess a lot would depend on how the lawyers in the case reconstruct the timeline of events. Since Cantwell definitely had not yet been visited by the local milk people when he pepper sprayed the counter-protester (which would imply that he sprayed first), whoever…
Thanks for this! Given what he looks like in the pic where he’s using the pepper spray (sorry, I can’t get it to upload), I’d like to imagine his attorney would have a hard time arguing he was under threat of imminent injury or death. There’s a decent bit of distance between himself and the protesters and one of them…
Question for the legal beagles here: if you had to guess, what is the likelihood of his conviction on either, or both counts? In the NYT interview he admitted that he used the pepper spray (and of course, there’s the photo of him doing it), but he’s claiming self-defense. I know it’s a hard question to answer. I guess…
I know. I’ve been doing activist work for a long time, and I feel strangely galvanized by what’s happening—it’s good to have confirmation of what we all suspected and theorized about—but still, the fresh hell of living in Trump’s America each and every day takes a psychic toll. That said, I’m also a very privileged…
Moral depravity is the perfect way to describe it. I suspect we’ve all known people like this in our lives (at least, I certainly have), but it’s truly grotesque to be confronted with such a person every single day without end and without escape. Aside from anger, the overwhelming feeling I’ve had since the day he…
Aw shucks! Thanks! He apparently pulled the same stunt with Charlie Sheen. When Charlie Sheen is denouncing you as a charlatan, something has gone terribly wrong with your life.
Ah, the pantyshorts! Those are definitely on the list of possibilities.
There are so many possibilities here! The leftover cartilage from Ivanka’s first nose job? That pair of cubic zirconium cuff links he claimed were real diamonds that he gave to Roy Cohn on his deathbed? One for his own hair and one for Howard Stern’s? A shoulder pad Ivana left on the floor of the walk-in closet during…
Oh, Bette. I always wonder what she would think of this second golden age of television—she would have probably had a field day with so many complex, challenging roles available. (And the feverish energy she brought to “Of Human Bondage” makes it that rare instance of the film being better than the novel. Plus, in…
Funnily enough, just last night I felt a sudden urge to re-watch the Twilight Zone episode she voiced, “Living Doll”. It’s always been one of my favorites and it works precisely because June Foray makes Talky Tina’s voice so deceptively sweet and conversational.
Seriously. Although it’s been a full 12 years since the second choking incident, so maybe it’s time for a rematch?
I’m not going to fight about Sgt. Pepper—I love it, but I can see how someone might find it overrated. (They’re wrong, but I’d prefer to just kick back and pity them.)
Fair enough. I seem to remember a scene where Pinkman says “Yo, yo, yo, representin’ the ABQ!”, but it’s not surprising that he wasn’t really representing.
“In fact, I sort of wish we’d just own it more as a society and encourage women to go full Maenad, cartwheeling drunkenly through the streets covered in blood and wine and dirt, wild haired and wild eyed and scaring children and culminating in maybe some sort of giant penis-shaped pyre ritual.”