
Everything I know about Albuquerque I know from the two times I visited and “Breaking Bad”. So, for us uninformed ones, do people really refer to it as “ABQ” like Jesse Pinkman does on the show?

My partner is a very tender man, but thankfully he’s not a Tenderman.

“What an ambiguous human jellyfish.”

P.S. I can’t take credit for that one—it was a gem from my mom when I was on the phone with her today.

Donald Trump’s response tweet:

This is also apparently him, courtesy of Getty Images and the mischief-makers over at Deadspin. Any time he says something especially foolish, someone should wave a wand at him and murmur a spell that forces him to pose like this for ten minutes. No need for the racquet.

“We should be a complete laughingstock by this time next week.”

I see a resemblance, but I can’t think why....

I feel like the answer is staring us in the face here. Forget the Little Debbie fudge cakes and hand Henry VIII some weed. It would have chilled him out, helped ease the pain of his suppurating leg ulcers, and he already had a permanent case of the munchies, so no harm done.

Sadly, nothing about this is even remotely surprising to me. I grew up surrounded by folks like this. The thing you have to remember is that the kinds of Hindus who support Trump—upper-middle class, highly educated, arrived in America already speaking excellent English—are generally high-caste, upper-middle class,

Wow. Thank you so much for responding and saying so much. First off, it sounds like you and your siblings and mother survived an absolutely dreadful situation with your father and came out of it on the other side. My grandmother was in a similar predicament as your mother and grandmother: trapped in an abusive

So true. I especially like her example using miscarriages—if the movement really were about preserving “life” at all costs and from the moment of conception, then where are all the 5K runs and marches to support preventing spontaneous miscarriage, which happens far more often than the recorded number of abortions per

What is that? I think I see all the stars shining above you. :)

Now playing

“I couldn’t have a baby, but I had to fight the laws of gravity just the same and you need the help of a good bra!”

Don’t blame you.

Thank you so much for sharing this. It must be so difficult to have to keep it from your family. I know what you mean: no matter how difficult they can be, it’s not such an easy thing to turn your back on kin or to do something that would entail them disowning you, no matter what the principle at stake is. That’s a

Yes to all of this—especially the shout out to “L.A. Confidential”, one of my very favorite movies. Remember in that same scene when Guy Pearce’s character says, “Dudley framed them because they were Negroes and had records and he knew no one would question him if they were...if they were killed resisting arrest? ”

This is going to be a looooong response, so please bear with me. But I’d love to know what you all think.

Seriously. The man is nothing more than a professional sycophant.

In a weird way, this confirmation of what some of our fellow countrymen think of us should be galvanizing. There’s no dog whistle or subtext here. For decades (really, since 1964 at least), the Republican party and the reactionary, carceral, neoliberal interests that undergirded it operated at a level that, by design,