
I really, really hope this is just mordant humor.

Yes, we’ve had terrible elected leaders in the past—but the country didn’t just “survive” as if by magic. It survived and thrived in the aftermath of Jackson, Buchanan, Johnson, Harding, and Hoover because people were committed to working collectively to bring the country back from the brink and then move it forward.

I’m the child of immigrants, I’m a woman of color, and I’m a feminist academic and activist. So just speaking for myself and my loved ones, this is going to be bad. This is going to be real, real bad. It’s going to have deleterious effects on the lives of just about everyone I know—including myself.

Oh, good God. That sounds like the worst. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It’s frustrating enough when something like that happens and it’s truly for no reason. It’s all the worse when you find out that your day of misery was just collateral damage in a game of small-potatoes, penny-ante, backroom political

Seriously. I’m still kind of fond of it, but it’s the love-hate feeling that just about everybody who grew up in the Jerz has about the place.

I grew up in New Jersey and my parents still live there, so I can honestly say that the only bright spot in the whole dismal election season has been watching Chris fucking Christie get exactly what he deserves.

Feel better now? :)

Hope this helps! (She’s not a kitten anymore, but she is still quite sweet.)

I’ve been lurking in the Jezzie comments section for years, but I just had to create a burner and jump in on this one today. I was cackling like a hyena while reading the comments, thinking, “Gosh, I wish I had a story to post”. And then I remembered that I do.