Dance Monkey Boy

No thats's not adjusted. They are going for very different looks, JP was using conservative looks for their dinos, because it was easier to do. JP was having to make them look like they looked natural next to people and the modern world. This is going for a colourful youth appealing look, which is why it doesn't look

Actually as far as CG goes, this has a much larger budget. JP was 60 million, but that was a whole production, this films costs are 75% visual effects related.

Because they did. It was originally just Kenneth Branagh narration, this was a last minute change to have the Dinos talk, which is why the script is so horrible.

I love that you are so pathetic you are either logging in and out or using another device to give yourself 'guest' up votes. Someone needs a hug.

I think I've flagged more comments in the last 5 minutes than I have for the 3 years I've been coming here.

There is a fun game called go through and flag numerous posts by day by day so they can be banned.

Don't you dare disrespect Chris like that you sonuvabitch!

Stuart just said what needed to said to Wade, he has been doing the same pathetic stuff for the whole season with no progress. It really wasn't mean at all, you can't save a marriage if the other person wants it to be over. And, my god what friend would let Wade actually turn up at a party (presumably his wives'

Kives is necessary, because there needs to be a guy who has a back and forth with Stuart and calls him on his bullshit. Wade is too nice, Glenn doesn't give a damn and Mooney just sniffs Stuarts' ass.

And everything is so wiiiide. I feel like Jack Donaghy is doing his tank NBC thing to AV CLub this year too.

What? There is more than 7 minutes at the visitor centre with the Raptors in the kitchen and the Trex alone. All up there is a good half hour of Dino action.

Except for T2 those are not good popcorn movies (Gump isn't even a good movie), they are just some movies from around the same time period.

I wouldn't classify Jaws as a popcorn flick, its too much of a thriller to be a true popcorn movie.

But back then it wasn't known that you couldn't clone Dinosaurs, if you somehow could conjure enough genetic material to do so. Now we know that for cloning purposes DNA has a use by date.

That really doesn't matter much. If you're not punching with good technique and not hitting the right spots and your opponent is, your gonna probably lose, no matter the size difference. Also Rick has barely and fat on his hands, those super boney knuckles hurt.

Yeah, IMDb has her in the cast list for all 13 episodes.

"It's Not a Ride!"