
I’d always considered ‘fake news’ to be intentionally goofy stuff like items from ‘The Onion.’

My favorite part of that is the tip of the helmet from Vlad Jr. and the answering tip of the hat from Hays.

I came here looking for a discussion of ‘The Testaments’ — spoilers ahead, but no more than in the article above.

It’s the spray-on hair.  The ladies all love the spray-on hair.

But Victoria Jackson stayed pretty much undercover when she was on SNL (at least on my radar) although maybe that was because of the ‘boys club’ atmosphere which stifled her anyway.  I remember being stunned years (decades?) later when she came out as an offensive conservative.

“Yang himself is known to use self-deprecating Asian stereotypes in his stump speeches...”

I wouldn’t call this dancing so much as “Standing Near a Woman as She Dances.”  And yeah, that opening bongo was like a man trapped in a car with a spider.

It’s being excitedly whispered person-to-person among the herders in Mongolia and throughout the favelas in Buenos Aires.

This is my best understanding of how that conspiracy would work. The CEO of Google has the algorithm searching billions of sites and when the algorithm finds something embarrassing relating to a well-known conservative, the algorithm provides the info to him alone but not to the rest of the company. Schmidt then uses

And which type of light makes him like he’s wearing white goggles?

I *always* leave the best till last — I eat the partial or broken Doritos first and finish up with the whole ones; yes, beans first then lasagne; spinach before anything because it’s really only palatable when it’s very hot; cake first with bits of icing then most of the icing last. The problem with this is that my

Wow, like an optical illusion.  I look at the picture and see it folded printing in, but if I look long enough I see it could be either way.

That could turn me into a truther. If there’s a successful terrorist attack on the U.S. in 2020, I’d be completely open to the suggestion that it would be a false flag by the Trump Administration. (BTW, I completely accept the traditional finding that 9/11/01 was an Al Qaeda operation.)

In the 80s a couple of laid off autoworkers (or maybe just Detroit residents) famously beat and murdered a Chinese student because they were upset about Japanese auto imports.

One way to get back there would be to remember that kneeling for the national anthem IS COMPLETELY UNRELATED to patriotism or terrorism.

I also like to speak with precision but that’s not the point. What sample sentence or situation makes it preferable to insert ‘utilize’ instead of ‘use’? How about ‘authored’ (I’d accept ‘co-authored’ when appropriate)? ‘Splendiferous’?

This guy’s kind of an editor, right?  Nice use of ‘diffuse’ instead of the correct ‘defuse’.

I had been in the black for years but a couple of months ago something snapped and I’m in the grays on all but one of the sites.  Different problem, different timeframe but if they read your post maybe they’ll see mine too.

And now the other side can write in, the ones who think it’s hilarious to compare black folk to primates because... he has his hand on her knee! HER KNEE!  I’m expecting that in Oklahoma that would get some sort of violent reaction.