“Hire Marry through Nepotism and Racism through this hick town.”
“Hire Marry through Nepotism and Racism through this hick town.”
Okay, thanks, no problem then.
So to the clue, “In 2013 Katy Perry was ‘coming atcha like a’ this, perhaps James K. Polk,” what is the correct response? I honestly have no idea.
By all accounts Mueller is a strict by-the-books guy, it’s why we were all so hopeful when he was appointed. When he became Special Counsel Mueller saw himself as just another DoJ employee (as, technically, he was) so now as a former DoJ employee he might feel some need to follow Barr’s injunction not to testify, if…
The racist trifecta has two more components (making it a quintafecta?) -- asserting the number of his black friends and stating that people who know him know that he doesn’t have (all together now)... a racist bone in his body.
Even though it showed her spraying a black logo, is anyone else bothered that in another clip she’s holding the same colored can of paint as was used for the dick and balls graffiti?
“I tried to warn her by reminding her how bad every other film he’d written after Flashdance was...”
Am I the only one who giggles like a juvenile when hearing about the game, ‘Cornhole’? Perhaps that bit of coarse slang was peculiar to my geographic area when I was a teenager.
Am I the only one who giggles like a juvenile when hearing about the game, ‘Cornhole’? Perhaps that bit of coarse…
See, that’s the thing. Let’s say their net worth is $1 billion, and yours is, say, $100,000 (no insult intended whether it’s higher or lower, really). That amount to them is like you spending $27 on something that doesn’t work and not bothering to return it. It may kind of gnaw at you to waste $27 but maybe not enough…
When I listen to a non-native English speaker I unconsciously begin to speak with their accent and I have to stop myself so as not to seem as though I’m mocking them.
When some thug punches an innocent person on the street, or a lady takes a dump in a coffee shop to protest something, those are called ‘graphic’, they need to come up with a new term for this. I didn’t think it would get to me... Wrong! Seriously, don’t watch it if you have any squeamishness about bodily injuries.
We’ve heard lots of stories about what a boys’ club SNL was (is). A good example of that (but also a genuinely funny parody) was their parody talk show, “Women’s Problems,” during which Dan Aykroyd, Garrett Morris, John Belushi would talk about, “The problem with women is...” with no actresses involved.
And after all, there’s no reason a guy built like a wrestler should fear for his life, right? I’m sure out of fairness the right-wing death squads send guys one at a time to attack dissidents in hand-to-hand combat, no guns, no weapons, no gang-up beatings.
I think you’re being unfair to Lisa Murkowski. As I recall (and seriously, it’s only a recollection, I didn’t bother to research it so correct me if I’m wrong), Murkowski voted against the attempted rapist who now sits on the Court.
That’s what King murmurs to himself when he has a cold instead of, “Feed a cold, starve a fever.”
On a related point but not about mental illness, Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, and other dictatorships have often survived on the people’s hatred of senior advisers. “[Insert dictator here] truly loves us and is working for us but is being blocked at every turn by the evil high-level people who refuse to carry out…
That picture doesn’t look like DC and that truck looks slightly different than the ones we have here (e.g., less primer, fewer body parts), which makes me wonder... How the hell many of those wacko trucks and drivers are there?
Always remember, she’s not a victim, she’s a volunteer.
In the summer of 2004 my aunt was dying and said to me, “I’m so mad I’m not going to be able to vote against that little prick in the fall.” Of course she meant GWBush, but the feeling has to be so much more intense now.
And look what happened to Stacy Dash, it’s the ‘Clueless’ Curse.