Thank you. For years I’ve been seeing headlines about Mama June this or Honey Boo Boo that and I didn’t know who they were or why they were famous. I appreciate that time-saving digest of their cultural import.
Thank you. For years I’ve been seeing headlines about Mama June this or Honey Boo Boo that and I didn’t know who they were or why they were famous. I appreciate that time-saving digest of their cultural import.
Maybe we could purge with the First Annual Pariah Film Festival presenting works by Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Casey Affleck, Bill Cosby, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, and more of your favorite stars.
Because it makes an attractive vagina and a new tie seem equally reasonable as gifts to her husband?
I own this mouse and it feels fine and works fine until you click it. On a regular mouse, clicking the button pushes down, effectively locking the cursor in place for the click. On this mouse, the light pressure to click moves the cursor sideways onscreen making it hard to click in small, exact spots.
I own this mouse and it feels fine and works fine until you click it. On a regular mouse, clicking the button pushes…
When the alt-right initially defended itself by claiming it embraced Nazism ‘ironically’ (they seem more willing to own their hatred now), someone sensibly pointed out that if you keep spouting racist, sexist, and anti-semitic views, what difference does it make if it’s ironic.
Later the Japanese Prime Minister was heard whispering to an aide, “It was like shaking the hand of a doll.”
That which has once been seen cannot be unseen. Damn you.
And Sean Spicer said Trump doesn’t own a bathrobe! Hah!
I’m picturing the WH aides searching for light switches everywhere, refusing to ask the permanent staff for fear of looking foolish (fill in your own joke here), until finally someone claps their hands in frustration and the lights magically turn on.
Replying to myself because I don’t know how to edit from an hour ago. The original clip has now been replaced with a longer clip that does indeed play the phrase in question so you can disregard my earlier comment. But it really doesn’t sound like Ryan and he didn’t seem to be wearing a portable mic which is the only…
I’ve listened to that a few times now and I don’t hear anyone say that. I’m sure that was in his head — probably in the heads of everyone in the room — but I didn’t hear it and as he left the podium his mouth was closed. Firmly, impatiently closed, to be sure.
That doesn’t make him bananas. I’ve got sort of a crush on her too.
I’m impressed that you can watch such varied movies back-to-back without cleansing your palate. I suffer from the wiseguy, MST3K effect unless I’ve been able to break the chain. Imagine watching “Hacksaw Ridge” right after “Stripes,” you couldn’t stop making wisecracks; or “Terminator” right after “Last Action Hero,” s…
It’s not my joke but one theory about why people were glued to their TVs on Election Night was to see, “Democracy: The Series Finale.”
The reason Comey is #1 on your list is because of Anthony Weiner! Comey would have had no defensible reason to throw the election to Trump without Weiner’s texts.
“treated poorly due to his race”?! Excuse me? I must have missed that part. What I read was that he was identified in a presumably crowded store by an objective descriptor. From this story I didn’t detect any point at which he was treated poorly for any reason. But at least he was able to get that high-living Popeye’s…
Assuming that Bible is around 1000 pages and she started three months before BF’s birthday, she was decorating more than 10 pages *every. single. day.* Judging from some of the samples she worked many hours every day on this present. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Bible or Harry Potter, this is a ton of work.
Thank you, that’s important to know. I’d been struck in the past at how *most* (not all, by any means) celebrity couples seem physically compatible. If he were as close to the physical mean as he appears they would be an outlier.
Even just being playful or affectionate she could snap him like a dry twig.