
At the risk of bringing out the darkest shadow in American politics it’s like Nixon and Watergate. Nixon was going to win reelection in ‘72 by a landslide even without committing crimes to undercut McGovern’s campaign. Why did he do it? But I like Hillary so please don’t construe this as equating her and Nixon.

I don’t think you’re doing justice to Martina and Chris Evert. Martina was the first to do the kind of muscle building and training that Serena has taken to where she is today. Chris saw the future and changed her training but only after her career was nearing the end. So I’d go with Serena #1 for using available

How does the guy in the background make his hair do that?

Of course she still works there. She got naked and ran down the hall in front of the whole company! No one wanted her to leave.

I don’t know, I have to go with Jared Fogle, but maybe Cosby can get the Lifetime Achievement Award. Please don’t think I’m making light of either of these horrendous situations or people.

“Nuh-uh, I’m not the defamer, you are.”

I have one of these by a different maker and it has indicator lights showing the level of charge. I check it periodically and after a month or so in my trunk it still shows all lights, indicating fully charged. I hope that’s true. I wish there was a way of testing this to see whether it will actually do what it claims

I have one of these by a different maker and it has indicator lights showing the level of charge. I check it

In the first or second episode of West Wing, Rob Lowe’s character confides to Toby, “I had sex with a call girl but it was an accident,” to which Toby responds, “An accident. I don’t understand, did you trip or something?”

I loved Harold Washington.

One of the markers of an immature and/or unintelligent person is use of the phrase, “I know for a fact...” about an opinion.

I’ve figured out Burt Reynolds’ new look!

In the late 1980s Jerry Falwell (the original, not the gun-loving, student-arming son) started a letter writing campaign to defund PBS because of a Sesame Street episode that depicted two men in bed together. In the 1980s that truly did seem rather bold until investigation revealed it to be... Bert and Ernie. True

I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Merkel after her natural and completely understandable reaction to being groped by little Bush.

That type face makes it look like, “Mercy Christmas,” which is, I guess, perfectly appropriate.

I’m picturing him spluttering on the stand, “I’m smart, I can do things!”

Those you mentioned as bouncing back from scandals — and many others — were famous for something before their respective scandals. Dolezal is famous *only* for her scandalous behavior, so while she’ll probably bounce back to the point of being employed in the future it seems unlikely she’ll ever be well received as an

Nice scene but you haven’t included the Fredo of the family, Neil Bush, and all the comedy gold that can be mined from him.

Sometimes autocorrect is funny, I’m picturing a baby’s “indolent rage,” I’m assuming you typed ‘impotent rage.’

I found that holding the baby high over my shoulder so that his tummy was being pressed by the point of my shoulder helped to calm down our son. I don’t know if it was the unusual vantage point, the almost equal dangling front and back, or the slight pressure on his tummy but this usually worked and worked quickly.

“Maybe we’d cut down fewer trees if they screamed like people. Unless they did it all the time, for no reason.”