
“He has green eyes. I’m not saying whether it’s important, that’s for you to decide. I’m just reporting that the engineer of this fatal crash has green eyes.” Equally relevant.

I’ve worked for several Senators and one of them, at least during his presidential campaign, had this exact policy. We (men) applauded the wisdom of this (even though this Senator was a good guy and even now, years after his death, his reputation remains squeaky clean) except the women on the staff, who grumbled

Or we’re all reaching a certain age. I remember thinking the same thing about Justice Sotomayor when she was nominated to the Court.

I also regret that the woman has been dragged into this situation.

If they’d had some notice, each could have cultivated a misty farway look, “Ronald Reagan will always be alive for me.” Or for Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, “Jefferson Davis will always be alive for me.”

It’s like, “I’m not saying she deserved to be raped, but...”

I love the names of those toilet models — Cimarron and Memoirs. The first evokes the fierce independence of our pioneer forebears... taking a dump. The second suggests that every dump is a special snowflake to be cherished and remembered forever. Charming.

Hold it, you’re missing the most offensive part of that story:

Maybe someone more clever than I can make a worthwhile joke out of french fries, shoes, and catch-up.

I remember picking up my toddler to walk out of a play area but my foot caught on an anchored giant plastic tortoise. I couldn’t get free and ended up falling like a tree, unable to stop myself with an armload of wriggling two-year old, all I could do was twist to make sure I landed on my back. As I lay there catching

As the poster points out this may be a mostly male thing and as a male, yes, I have no idea. Just like it is only shorter. Then I try to give an estimate of when my hair had been cut last (usually 3-4 months) so they can estimate how much it’s grown. I do, however, have two moles on my scalp that are extremely painful

I’ve heard of aerophobes (an affiliation with which I identify) who have learned how to pilot small planes even if they don’t actually do so frequently. Their reasoning is that by knowing what’s involved they understand better how safe it actually is. I’ve never tried that because I think I’m more likely to be like

All of the advice in one demonstration:

If Islamic terrorists fight to the death with Texas racists, who wins? We do.

At about the 0:50 mark as DeSisto activates his friend’s phone, the bald cop (not Munoz) extends his spread hand as though saying, “Easy buddy, no need to start taking pictures or anything.” It’s as though photographing bad behavior is now viewed by the cops similarly to physical resistance.

Sorry, I accused him of just peeking up from Reddit (which I suspect is the case) and then couldn’t figure out how to delete my post after I read yours.

Just dropping in from Reddit, I guess.

I post comments once in awhile here and at the risk of losing all credibility — I LIKE MY STEAK WELL DONE. Sure, in the dark I probably couldn’t tell the difference by taste but I prefer the tougher, even sometimes crispier texture of well done meat. I’m defensive about this because it is assumed that someone who

My son is allergic to many things (tree nuts, wheat, barley, oats, soy, eggs, turkey, it goes on and on) but one of the weirder questions we’ve wondered about is: How can he be allergic to eggs but not to chicken? Apparently something happens in the transformation from egg to chicken that changes the proteins or

Best school, best choice, also most sensible choice for his background in the area. And... (brag-brag, rather than humble-brag) my alma mater. Yay!