
The amount of energy that it is taking to not go off the rails every time Trump tweets or opens his mouth is goddamn exhausting.

“I didn’t rape her. Want Proof?! Look at this completely unrelated incident, that is in no way similar to mine.” - Dr. Luke.

*This message was brought to you by men, The Rational Gender.

I’d rather not know if it wasn’t going to happen again. There is no benefit IMHO to this sort of knowledge. I would feel bad, then I wouldn’t be able to trust them, then I would likely end up breaking up in response. Also, if they cheated, and were a good person, I’d rather they handle that guilt on their own rather

He's the bipolar kid who is getting his MFA at your college who asks too many questions in class, has weird final submissions, and also makes you worry about your safety.

Bernie coughed first and it was much more authentic.

Yesssss! The Slot is basically the only way I can enjoy election coverage. You’re doing the Lord’s work, Jez staff.

Katherine St. Asaph

Keep ruining my love for Clueless, Stacy.

So, Gwen is preggers with Blake’s devil spawn, huh?

I completely identify with being able to staunchly stick up for other women when this shit happens but not for myself. Interesting to read it's not just me.

I voted for Nader in 2000, so don’t give me this “critiques of Naderites” thing. I did so because (1) I live in California so it didn’t matter; (2) I was a young idiot; and (3) I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA SO IT DIDN’T MATTER.

And here come the bernie bros breathing fire and scorching the earth in

that’s all I’ve got

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or congrats on a burn. Either way, as one who still hopes Clinton gets the nomination, it’s a bummer.

Hers is running for president and she isn’t fuzzy and likeable. Plus, she actually has ambitions and confidence.

Some people (maybe on my Facebook feed for example) do not seem to realize that electing a socialist will not make us socialists or even democratic socialists: it will elect a man who doesn’t have the strongest ties to his own party and is reviled by the Republicans. Great idea, Facebook friends. Ugh.

Because Bernie WILL NOT WIN a general election. He won’t. Stop believing that he has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing that. PP is looking at the long game. The GOP will get their shit together and throw up Rubio or the Canadian wonder, either of whom would eat Bernie alive.

“Old white feminists” would be a valid criticism if there was a young woman of color running, but since the alternative is an old white man, I’m not sure what the point of your phrasing is.