
Nyarlathotep is so much scarier than the other entities in Lovecraft-world because of intent. Cthulthu, Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath…they don't think about humans any more than we think about bacteria, as we slaughter them by the billions every day. 'Tep, on the other hand, hates us and wants us to suffer.

It's not quite that simple. First, each card actually has two possible uses. A card might be useable as either a dodge or an attack, for example. More than that, though, each attack and each throw are varied in terms of strength, speed, combo points used, whether it can begin or extend a combo, and other effects.

Yomi is TREMENDOUS, especially when you consider that each character feels and plays very differently indeed. The balance of attacks/throws/blocks/dodges changes for each character, so you have, for example, the grappler rock golem Rook, who has tons of throws but not a single dodge in his deck and who wants to plant

It's important to note that they're really fundamentally different styles of game. Legendary is deck building game, more in line with Dominion and (even more so) Ascension. You're not playing as the hero, you're more like the middle-manager of heroism, telling other heroes where to go. SOTM has no deck-building

Omnitron-X is probably my favorite, not even for his own deck but for his base ability.

And, based on the single time I played it, hard as fuck.

Yeah, it's not a beer-and-pretzels game, despite how it appears. You need a group who is really paying attention and working together well. It's helpful if one person is in charge of the environment and one person is keeping track of the villain deck.

It's not meant to be played with 2 heroes; if you want to play 2 players you can each control 2 decks, and that will work. It can be overwhelming for new gamers, though.

Absolutely one of my favorite games, though you do have to be ready for the bookkeeping aspects. The game includes lots of modifiers to things like attack damage, damage resistance, damage types, and so forth, and there is a lot to follow. The best aspect of the game is the diversity of characters, both heroes and

My initial thought is the series finale of Justified, but that's probably a reaction to the uneven final season and my overall love of the series.

When I was young (let's say 8-10 or so) I think I had something like this. The closest way I can describe my memories of them is that they were made of noise. I know that doesn't make sense, but there you are.

I saw the Broken video in college. I'd prefer to unsee it.

Poorly charted wasteland, nothing makes sense…so you ARE talking about the Jersey Shore.

The first thing that comes to mind is that the letter I is freaking terrifying. There was one segment where the camera followed an I-beam through a factory while strange minor-key music played. It filled me with some sort of overriding dread to the point where, if the episode was sponsored by the letter I, I would

When I become a professional wrestler (not if, when), I'll use "Blow Up The Outside World" by Soundgarden. Slow, calm walk down the aisle followed by a shitload of pyro when I get to the ring.

I would totally watch that.