
good points OK!

David, SEA is not sci fi. it's what everyone is now calling cli fi, a subgenre of sci fi, yes, but not sci fi per se. See wikipedia and NPR google on "cli fi" - but the main thing, sure, is the story itself, the CONTENT, not the label we give it. I agree with you. And CLI Fi is not new and hardly an emergin new genre,

David, David Brin is brillant, genius, visionary yes. I am big fan of his.

David, SEA is not sci fi. it's what everyone is now calling cli fi, a subgenre of sci fi, yes, but not sci fi per se. See wikipedia and NPR google on "cli fi" - but the main thing, sure, is the story itself, the CONTENT, not the label we give it. I agree with you. And CLI Fi is not new and hardly an emergin new genre,