
Racing fans will disagree, but as an outside observer, it seems like Bullshit that you can be awarded a win in exchange for spinning a car in front of you.

I live and work in Boston, along the proposed track. This was doomed to fail from the start of. The organizers were very disorganized and put little work into getting to know the people of Boston. Frankly, they struck me as a JV organization. And the people of Boston are all curmudgeons and hate change. Not to mention

Could it be a mid-90`s Pontiac Grand Am?

I’ve just become so dillusioned over the years; so much cheating.

The ghostly image of this guy was seen in pits.

I wonder how close these engines are to the Subaru boxers

This is going to hurt but that design you spent three years working on is dumb. I know it sucks when you have something you think is awesome and some one shits all over it but this is one of those times.

I love cars, I love the sound of a big American V8, I love driving a stick, and I love our planet. I’d love to get an electric car with a manual transmission, but you don’t need a transmission at all. And after driving an electric car for 18 months, I find the inverter whine on the EV just as addicting as the sound of

No one’s taking that. Cheapskates who don’t buy new cars are the root cause.

Aww, you poor repressed white guy.

For me it’s, “Oh, that’s the network that killed SPEED channel...”

He just always says the wrong thing, like he has cancer of the mouth or something.

A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.

Your mad that the average buyer wants a car that is easier to get in and out of, has more ground clearance, and doesn’t care about handling because the use the car only to commute?

Mm, and even more ironic is that whole 1989 debacle at Suzuka and his disqualification for it..

Ironic, considering the fact that Senna himself took a massive shortcut through pit lane in 1993 at Donington.

^^ Came here to post this ^^

hahaha they said dongle

hahaha they said dongle

Not sure if we were watching the same episode, but I thought he was boring as fuck - monotonous, inflectionless, soporific

Stopped caring…