That’s too many commercials for me. I grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s, half hour length commercials like He-Man and Transformers have left me with an extreme aversion to advertising.
That’s too many commercials for me. I grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s, half hour length commercials like He-Man and Transformers have left me with an extreme aversion to advertising.
That’s crazy!
They should just do an entire show where there’s an internal monologue for a bunch of kids going through puberty. I’m imagining a great Nick Kroll vehicle.
::touches ear::
I’m being told seven seasons of this show and a two-season spin-off already exist.
This is absolutely exceptional news. Legitimately, this is the best article I’ve read on AV Club in many years.
I like the idea of the niche bands this site favors doing covers of Top 40 classics. I’d like to hear fresh takes on the likes of:
The National - Mr. November
Deftones- Minerva
“And if anyone knows where the old neon A.V. Undercover sign is, we’d love to use it.” I do.
Comments will be open.
I don’t have a song selection in mind (I mean... “Tubthumping” got done already). But hey, if y’all are hiring, toss Nathan Rabin an assignment or two.
Will comments be still open or restricted to subscribers or?
I hope The A.V. Club also brings back Page to Screen and One-Season Wonders.
I have no suggestions, but this news makes me deliriously happy.
Ok, Netflix, but be aware that you’re on thin ice. A few hundred more examples of this and I might just cancel my membership.
“Even the peacemaker Cameron (Alan Ruck) finally gets in on the race for power within media conglomerate”
two rows!? you’re gigantic!
I’m going to go in a full still suit.
In related news, we’ve been stuck inside for a whole year.