Dana Ullman

The law that made homeopathic medicines legal was not a “loophole” as this writer suggests. Its author was the 3-time Senator from New York whose original campaign manager was Franklin D. Roosevelt. The law that Copeland wrote is the famous Federal Food Drug & Cosmetics Act of 1938 which empowered the FDA. Most

Skeptics of homeopathy commonly assert that there is “nothing” in homeopathic medicines except water, and yet, such skeptics only “theorize” that such assertions are true and have never proven this in controlled scientific studies. In comparison, research published in the American Chemistry Society’s leading

In actual fact, homeopathic pharmacies use a DOUBLE-DISTILLED water. This is consider “pharmaceutical grade water.” Please stop mis-informing people. Your article above is full of misinformation, which is a tad ironic considering that you’re trying to help people understand scientific medicine.

Skeptics of homeopathy commonly assert that there is “nothing” in homeopathic medicines except water, and yet, such skeptics only “theorize” that such assertions are true and have never proven this in controlled scientific studies. In comparison, research published in the American Chemical Society’s leading scientific

The above article is what happens when a journalist doesn’t do any homework (such as actually reading research on a subject!) and when she just expresses her beliefs based on an embarrassingly superficial understanding of a subject. She says that homeopathy became “legal” due to a “loophole” in the law!? That