
Seriously. The site is essentially unusable on mobile. The embedded videos try to make themselves full screen, and even when you try to minimize or close them, they will re-expand to full screen multiple times. 

Just need to say reading this article on a iPhone was a horrible experience. Pop-ups, the article flying back up to the top... just terrible. 

Without Windows Hello support, this is a forgettable upgrade.  Too bad.

Clickbait at its’ finest.

Surgeon here. This is the equivalent of using it to “remember” what utensils to place at a formal dinner setting. It generated the headlines they wanted but they basically wasted $4k of government money for a lark. It’s not like the surgery was impossible without it or the outcome improved. The scrub nurse was

Since when has a scrub nurse been a doctor

When you thought you were stealing a Mustang...

I back the trailer to the start of the ramp, then stop. I don’t get the truck/rear wheels anywhere near the “ramp” part of the ramp.

This is the most accurate description of a boat launch I’ve ever read.

Like everything else, launching boats takes practice. I think the biggest thing that causes these accidents is nerves causing people to forget the basics. I have a pretty solid checklist that I run through each time and it keeps me out of trouble. I also refuse to rush, no matter how busy the launch is. Rushing leads

so this is like corn biscotti?

The folks at gcn (??) would be wrong. WD-40 is a pretty good cleaner to wash away grime and oils, but it is not a lubricant for heavy use. I had an off-road motorcycle back in the 60s and cleaned the chain about once a month. Quite often I used gasoline or brake cleaner to remove the dirt and sludge and then oiled it

WD40 has its limits and tends to just attract more dirt. I have 3-in-1 oil along with silicone/teflon spray in my workshop. They work much better than WD-40 for most applications, especially for power tools.

Braden, you’re singing my song. It made my day to hear someone else say it for once. PREACH IT BROTHER.

WD-40 o bike chains is a big no-no.

WD-40 is designed to be a water displacer, hence the ‘WD’ in the name. It’s meant to push water out of crevices and hard to reach places in metal parts to prevent rust. It will also work pretty well as a solvent or degreaser.

I can attest on not using WD-40 on electronics.

Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

Where you have unurprising, think you meant unsurprising.

As we found out when a pipe collapsed, insurance told us they would cover the cost of repair as if the pipe was right in front of them. Which it wasnt. It was through the flooring, under the slab and feet of dirt, which we had to pay for. However, if we just let the sink overflow and damage even one piece of the