kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
Whenever someone mentions this film I am absolutely compelled to immediately respond with,
So there’s the casual transphobia of creating a dichotomy between “women” and “trans women” that implies that “trans” is a caveat on the word women. Beyond that, the issue is not when someone says “my experiences are different from yours.” It’s when people start using their experiences or their upbringing or whatever…
I’m a white lady who lived in India for awhile. India was colonized and subjugated by the British and it hasn’t even been a century since the British left the country (in a mess.) So I can assure you that a white person in India experiences great privilege on the back of that colonial past and in light of the caste…
Wow you could not have chosen worse examples for your incorrect argument/assumptions. Who do you think colonized India and Africa? Ever heard of apartheid? It in fact existed in Africa, instituted by white people. Also, ever been to China as a white American? Check into it. Are you playing dumb? Or just ignorant?
Without Blondie (and Harry) we don’t have Madonna, we don’t have Gwen Stefanie and we don’t have Lady Gaga. I think sometimes we either over inflate artist of the 70s/80s, see Billy Joel and Elton John or undervalue them. See Blondie or Kate Bush. Hopefully history will correct it all.
Her drug of choice appears to be privilege
Only if you consider what these children are seeking “political”. Old men playing old games, while the kids are faced with the concequences. This movement is no more “political” than someone putting up their hands in a fight or refusing to drink poison. It’s a fight for survival, and only the ones who will be long…
Yep. I’m very offended by this, but compared to the oft-stated priorities of the Conservatives, which are actively and openly racist without apology, I have to make that decision in favor of JT and a safe/sane Canada.
Tucker Carlson probably still checks around corners to make sure he’s not there. He’s like a little dog who’s scared of the mean cat who he knows will kick it’s ass, sniffing to make sure the cat’s not around.
Poe’s law is sort of highlighting the stupidity of people who can’t recognise obvious sarcasm. Look, I know it’s embarrassing to miss something that should have been obvious. But you probably ought to stop digging this hole because you’re really only making yourself look worse at this point.
I’m fucking tired of being a political issue...
She means breasts that don’t defy gravity, breasts that have gravitas ;)
Now that you mention it, it’s curious he didn’t take the chance to blame it on Ilhan Omar.
There’s gonna be hell toupee.