
I need more specifics.

Now playing

I dunno about being domesticated, but these cows were as happy as any dog when they got let outside after being inside all winter.

He didn't say when.

"As a rule, metal-poor stars formed in the early days of the universe, before stellar processes had forged all the heavier elements."

The Alien Queen: Proof that Reality beats CGI everytime.

James Cameron reported, "I saw those on the way down."

I liked them both.

Technically, the new BSG launched in 2003 with the miniseries.

"And remember, that water you're breathing now, was just in my ass!"

Why is there no zipper in this outfit?!?!

To play whom, Kirk's Great Grandpa?

There's no reason for PEOPLE to go to the deepest depths. But we should be sending robots to the deepest depths to study and take cool pictures of neat sh*t down there.

Silly Bill O'Reilly. The answer is even more obvious than that.

Dat Glass!

Dogs lick their own butts with those tongues.

I never liked that the future robots gave David what he never should have received: love from a mother who did not love him. She only kind of loved him until he own son recovered.

A letdown? All Apple products are a letdown to reviewers. Consumers still seem to buy them in droves (mega-droves, in fact). Why is that?

Doesn't matter. Had sex.

Son, I am disappoint.

I was going to say that is alcohol abuse but it was PBR.