Dan Snyder and the 6 Dwarves

The whole problem with this article is that it is based on the false statement that he impeded anyone. Could he have gotten out of the way? Yes. But I ask anyone here, what would you do if someone walked up to you and started beating a drum in your face? You probably would not get out of the way, moving would be a

I know that, like, wearing the hat is a shitty thing, but it really does sound like, what, a month and a half after the fact? You still haven’t actually watched the full footage of the encounter. It’s pretty embarrassing to see stories like this still popping up, given the actual series of events on verifiable,

No surprise that this clown site has no problems with ADULT POCs verbally harrassing a group of teenagers first.

Even if there is nothing, you can bet there will be a fake article here where we can all pretend its real!!

What exactly did he do?

Well, a lot of people in these comments are also still looking for 2 MAGA hat wearing white dudes who rolled Jussie Smollet.  

I feel alot of the people in the comments actually never watched the full footage of this scenario. Just an FYI that older man walked into the crowd and got in that kids face and banged a drum in his face. Whether you dislike the color of his skin or the fact he is white shouldn’t change the fact he wasn’t really the

the fact that this story was even news tells you whats wrong with this stupid planet, it should have been a nothing burger from the start, but since every 24/7 news channel needs something to talk about, it became news, focus on the shit that matters, not this kid (who by the way didn’t do shit)

I’ve archived this article and send this to Nick’s lawyer so you can get sued as well.

Just like you “knew" that Jussie Smollett was attacked by MAGA hat wearing white supremacists?

I know you have a busy day today but dont forget to cover that 10 years ago Jussie Smollett lied to the police about his DUI and tried to frame his own brother for it

a) Curtailing illegal immigration has always been part of the American conversation, and transcends race. Meanwhile, we have more legal immigration than ever, even under Trump.

He was recorded standing there looking at some weirdo playing drums in his face. Then people made all kinds of assumptions and smeared him in print. I’d say his understanding of libel laws is perfectly sound.

What did he do that was racist? Stand there smiling?

You can still sue as a public figure, standards are a little higher. I believe these kids count as “involuntary” public figures.

What about getting internationally dragged as a racist abuser of Native Americans though? Seems like a stretch no?

You’re gonna be disappointed.

I just love how everyone on this site is now talking about ‘due process’ and waiting for everything to be figured out, but just a few days ago you were calling everyone with any doubt for his story a bigot. Hypocritical race baiters, the lot of you.

It cracks me up but doesnt really surprise me that the idiots on this site are still defending him.