Dan Snyder and the 6 Dwarves

Very simply solution:  N0 separation of competitors, no more mens or womens events.  Just 1 event.  100 meter dash, fastest human wins. We can then stop the hand-wringing. 

I have to say that I find it shockingly dishonest that this article does not mention that Semenya is XY. As a matter of fact, I’m not sure that I have ever read an article in support of Semenya that mentions that extremely important fact. This blatant dishonesty makes people who believe in social justice look exactly


Nah, we who tirelessly explain reality to fools will keep dropping the truth you don’t want to hear. Caster is XY so Caster is a man.

I mean, the ultimate outcome of this drawn to its conclusion is that there shouldn’t be sports divided by sex, right?  I mean, because that’s the only solution, right?

I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate.

Let’s just makes all sports gender neutral then we won’t have to worry about any of this.  

So, what is the solution?

But Makar could have easily gotten her chromosomes tested and proved herself XX. 

But a woman IS an adult human female. So since Caster is not a female, he is not a woman. 

Just what do think the W in “WOC” stands for dumbass

Maybe, just maybe this is pretty grey one, I can see your argument somewhat, but I see Nancy’s too. I actually end up finally agreeing more with Nancy due to the XY and elevated T levels. I get how deadspin and gawkers sites write things in a black and white my way or the hwy shtick, but, maybe, just maybe you’re

It is fucking terrifying sometimes just how loud, vocal, and willfully misleading a tiny segment of people can be that in no way represent the opinions of the vast majority of humans on earth. Cheers to all the thinking people in the comment section pointing to the very base science behind why this person shouldn’t be

Semenya is a woman, but she’s not female. I don’t understand why Deadspin thinks that this is a simple case of discrimination - it’s extremely complicated, and I’d argue Hogshead-Makar has all of the information and is more qualified to make an informed opinion than any staff writer or editor here. 

Caster is XY, Diana. It’s *extremely* disingenuous to leave that out of this conversation.

Diana would you support the implementation of a testosterone limit that grandfathered in Semenya (and anyone else currently participating), such that it wouldn’t require them to change anything to continue competing? Also, would you be in favor of a return to the old 10 nmol/L limit — or would you rather see a

Caster Semenya is a biological male with sexual development problems (fact - it is the left pushing “gender” ideology who are among the most anti-science people around). It’s unfortunate, but that is a fact, and this person should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports without proper testosterone reduction and

The Washington Capitals approve this message.

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

This guy throws a toddler off of a 3rd story balcony onto a tile floor and the media says it is because he was a loser who was frustrated with women.