Dan Snyder and the 6 Dwarves

Mcnabb needs an ass kicking

Any chance chris that you could get an ole pg county boy out of the greys?

All that Charlie Brown feeling truly went away after losing 3 straight to Tampa and still winning that series, it’s ok chris to believe.

Ummmm yeah wow... my heart is going to explode before this series is over.

Those people seem really limbur-ger.

When did hockey fans become snowflakes?

I never figured you to be a pussy Barry... suck it up people and keep your head on a swivel.

When did hockey fans become snowflakes?

The Wilson hit was.. and didn’t result in a goal.

Cmon.. Carlson is a horrible skater and fell on his face..(sarcasm)

Do a little research... he was a first round draft pick.

4th line goon?.. do you even watch hockey?

Let’s go caps!!

Clearly the O’s or there fans don’t give a fuck.

Uggggg.. especially Sheehan, guarantee he talks more about the Cavs Celtics game... makes me sick.

Fuck that hack, he’s a minor league reporter

Is this real life?

Punk ass bitch was trying to bully kuzy... don’t fuck with willy’s boy

Ov hit everything last night

I think OV just checked me on my sofa