What about Jerry Jones standards?
What about Jerry Jones standards?
Uhhh.. we’re talking Peter Vecsey, his career’s been done.
Take it down a notch, they said good for her, Jesus
Possibly because she wasn’t cooperating and they seemed to be in a tight spot and wanted to get her out as quickly as possible
He descalated it, she won’t be hitting anyone else on the way out.
You’re number 2 in my book.
Well when you act like a baby, you probably won’t get the call as much as you think you should.
There’s always a dope test truther.
He must’ve been ass raped by zeke.. that’s all I can come up with.
You to sir will be old some day, and they will dig up this comment.
Slump busting?
Neither can Lester
You hope
Please tell me you’re not a real doctor
Got your tinfoil hat on I see.
So Brazil and Argentina are rich?.. that’s news to me
I love duke, I love duke..( nasally voice)
That’s so touching, do you care Richard that I struggle to pay my mortgage every month?.. didn’t think so.
Do we know which one?
Va tech?