
I am really looking forward to taking my kid to see this.

The tl;dr version - you're welcome. And btw, in five years, they'll probably come back and tell us the exact opposite of all this.

VOTE: KeePass - I use in addition to LastPass. Keepass is my master password file while LastPass contains a subset for daily use. One of the features includes attaching files to the password entry... great for those QR codes for two-factor authentication.

Still one of the best lines of the year: "There's a horror movie called 'Alien?' Well, that's really offensive. No wonder people keep invading you."

Some colored based multi-player paint shooter. Cant wait.

"A horror movie called Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder you people keep getting invaded."

Shona was the best.

nice, now put that on a DVD and let me pay money for it

Pantalaimon from the His Dark Materials series. He wins because he is a thousand cute animals rolled into one. At least until Lyra hits puberty.

Oliver is pretty thoroughly killed sooooo place your bets how are they going to resurrect him?

If this year in TV has taught me anything, it's never accept trial by combat.

Line of the night: no, line of the season:

Allow me:

13. When Triplett asked Billy where Sam was (or was it Sam where Billy was?) and he responded that his circuits were fried and that he needed to recharge his batteries. HE WASN'T KIDDING!! Just like last week when they said there were 13 brothers. COME ON SON.

MID SEASON finale? This episode could have been any show's SERIES finale and been satisfying. The pacing of this episode (and the entire season so far for that matter) was OUTSTANDING.

After such a long career as a journeyman actor, it delights me to see Mr. Pertwee have his chance to shine.

Also capable of dropping Fish Mooney panties with one well-crafted sentence.

I'm still not really enjoying this show much, but - damn - is this one of my favorite interpretations of Alfred yet. I love me kickass, Cockney Alfred (even really enjoyed soccer hooligan/Statham-y Beware The Batman Alfred) so I was totally on board for this episode.