One big thing they dint mention, check under your car for any leaks as well as the engine compartment for any signs of fluids escaping. Also good for good measure inspect the hood it self or liner for any spots thatch getting unusual wear from heat/etc.
Toybaru all the way. You tried sensible with your VW disel now try something cool. Toyota 86/BRZ is such a wonderful car to own.
I do not believe he is a billionaire and he won’t provide financial information to prove it.
Sure, nothing is perfect. I wish some things where different about the game but as a whole I really enjoy the game and its a great experience. This is one of the best games I’ve played in 2016 with out a doubt.
That woman is what happens when you live in a bubble and never expand your horizons. Seriously, Trump is sexist and a flawed human being that should never be anywhere near the presidency. I have personally went to pyramid schemes trying to lure foolish people into major debt, guess who’s name was at the top and…
This already got fixed, the cap was removed
I agree, go with the Toyobaru, can’t go wrong there. It is a totally under estimated car.
Will this allow scripting mods like a travel sleeping bag/campfire. How would this effect Survival mode?
I dig it, it gives off a slight F40 vibe in the front.
This will be tough since now Battleborn is going free to play. I dont think a sub par Overwatch clone can compete.
hope it works out, but sorry to say from the description and the available info it doesn’t sound too promising. Tuber simulator sounds like a VR tech demo
If this is is what it looks like then it will be one of the coolest looking front wheel drive cars out there.
Get those giant SUVs and Trucks the hell out of my way. More road for sports cars.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaah baby!