fuck that, we love Harbaugh especially after the disappointing Singletary seasons I would get down on my knees, pull down Harbaugh's mom khakis and blow him if he wanted.
maintained her looks pretty well for a meth head
nah bro, Tiburon, CA is an ultra-wealthy town across the bay from San Francisco
Renault is an unknown brand to most americans
clearly the Pagani Huayra is near top of the list, but due to it's low volume and uber-hyper-car-only-top-gear-watching-jalop-petro-heads know about it status I would nominate the following;
at least the dodge has a warranty
sorry bud I knew you were joking... if it makes you feel better I am jealous of city dwellers every time I go to a concert or want to have a choice of really good restaurants...
who have to drive 10 miles just to get groceries
I feel sorry for you poor city dwellers who have to settle for hooning in parking lots because you have no proper back roads... just sad
Bob McKenzie did it first