
This isn't the first time BS like this happen to this minister. And sorry calling out racism isn't wrong, There is no generalization in pointing out that it happens way too many times.

People like you like to pretend that if it's not like what happen in times of segregation it's not racism. Well guess what racism is micro aggressions in everyday and at no matter what you're doing. I have experience those things in Italy, in France, even in Sweden.

I don't agree with you.

You don't need to a member of the KKK to be racist. Statement like this one are the reason why we will never get rid of racism. People are so quick to justify and defend racist.

I know that, I used to spend a lot of time there and in Spain as a student.

We also fought for them in WW1, some of us was in Concentration camp with whitey but they never mention them. Are you surprise?

I don't like this kind of statement. Racism happen everywhere not just in those cities.

I just love how your first reaction isn't to call out this racist douche-bag, but to defend racism.

Me too, from what I have read on this, I don't even know how some of the things she has her nanny do was legal?

You gotta love it when people who love about how woman are not pay for they hardwork defend celebrities who treat their employees like shit and don't pay them.

LOL , you're defending someone who is making a joke about young women being molested while being mad because someone dare say one can never be to thin?

Maybe because people try to shove it down our throat that it's the voice of our generation?

If she was so fine with the way she looks, why can't she call out Vogue for photo-shopping her so much?

The story is that he is the father of her son. This story is just like a soap opera.

I was just really sick as a kid, and I spent almost something like a month or two per years in Hospital. When the only thing doctors recommend you to eat are things like, soup, drinking eggs and so on, it screws you up.

I find it so weird how we can be hard on people who don't like the same thing as us.

I hoped you were/are. But you will be surprise by the number of people who side eye me in my family for not liking soup. They feel the same way about me not liking cheese.

I don't, I'm not being an asshole by not liking soup.

It's Anne, she even denied it apparently, but there are proof out there at least that's what closer is claiming.