
That one is definitely true.

There is a rumor going around that he is the father of the socialist candidate for the Mayor office in Paris.

But how can we have the victim angle if she made an agreement with the ex?

I also love how no one is mentioning the fact that they photo shopped her to make her look skinnier.

This , this place love to play the women are victims narrative in situation were there is really nothing. this kind of attitude doesn't help real victim who get their issues brush under the always the victim card.

this kind of agreement are made everyday. The woman doesn't seem upset with it. I'm sure she got a lot of money for that settlement. I don't know why I should feel sorry for her.

He is not putting a gun on her head, she is old enough to decide what she wants out of her life.

Well , she is definitely too Ugly , even photo-shop can make her look less ugly.

I always love the part where people who don't have to deal with micro aggression every second in their life, as well as just some people abusing you, love to tell the victims of all this how they should play nice to their aggressor.

WTF is this non articles?

I guess i guess mad on this topic because I have seen so many young girl in Ghana and Cameroon kill themselves by trying to illegally abort an unwanted child, that i don't really need the opinion of people who will never deal with it on that topic.

My little Bro used to do that with his eyebrows a lot. Thank god he kind of stop it.

Speak for yourself. I think I need to have a party to celebrate the fact that it has been 2 years since I have mine.

Speak for yourself. It's not a sad thing. I had one, it was the best decision I have ever made. It made me do a lot of thing I wouldn't have done if not for that experience.

we should totally give him cookies.

This make it even worst, he is comparing women having an abortion, to child traffic and child soldier? Why am I surprised?

I don't and i had one. It was the best decision i ever made in my life.

I'm sorry i see no actions in the link, only blablah like a true politician.

Give me actions, not empty words. Actions? What have he done, does the church now pay their taxes? you know that taxes that could help the government actually with fighting against poverty?

I'm sorry but what exactly has he done?