She has never worn a well known designer on the red carpet, not even an up and coming one.
She has never worn a well known designer on the red carpet, not even an up and coming one.
Look you can take your condescending tone and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. You were an arrogant ass, who believed that everyone on the Net were from the State.
How is it relevant to the fact that a racist piece of shit is racist? And what country are you talking about? You Know that not everyone on Internet live in US? I guess not.
You have been all over this site defending this racist piece of shit.
A stylist cost money, they aren't for free, I don't know how much movie or work in general she have per year. Maybe she can't afford it.
I just find it so beautiful how people are so eager to defend racist piece of shit. It really say a lot about them.
Of racism?
This racist piece of shit didn't need Kanye to validated his racism.
I will cry all the crocodile tears of this world for him and all the racist apologists.
You and other racist apologist can go fuck themselves.
Rashida said Nepotism didn't exist.
I will take Gwyneth over her everyday of the week.
Your naivety is kind of sweet i guess?
Please you wouldn't say that if this was a post about Kristen Stewart or Taylor Swift, this place love to hate those two. So the crocodile tears aren't working.
Taylor was 21 dating a guy who was 18 going 19.
Thank you, but this place love to hate Taylor, so let them celebrate. They got new material.
I would take Taylor any day over that racist piece of shit of Tina.
Because it gives another reason to this place to trash Taylor Swift, then they are going to complain about how Internet is awful to women.
Did you just compare Taylor Swift to a pedophile?