
I get that it’s meant to be sexy or impressive or whatever but ultimately a middle-ish aged man standing in front of a mirror in his underpants and socks, holding his own dick just reads as depressing to me. That is a melancholy moment. Excessive hashtags make this seem sadder.

in ~the internet age~ where things are so readily available for consumption and where we find ourselves interacting much more with media and cultures that are not necessarily made for us and for which we don’t necessarily have the background to understand, I think something that gets overlooked is stepping back and

Are you even serious? Hip hop is about 40 years old, so what do you think?

Area Old Person Hates Popular Thing/Astounded That Others Attack Unpopular Opinion

oh my god stop talking

Girl I just can’t that you’re trying to broadly define places where dancing typically occurs based on your specific experiences. Believe it or not your singular experience is not necessarily translatable to everyone, different cultures have different places and times in which dancing typically occurs, and social

Haha! I’m always lead to believe I’m the last person who still rocks my CD collection. ( I was fairly late to the CD party as it was, I think I was a cassette buyer until quite late into the 90's)

Just to help you out, any “fad dance” these days will be originated from non-white communities, specifically black people. There’s a reason non-white people like Silento, Cam Newton, Cali Swag District, Migos, and now Sophina DeJesus are known for popularizing them. I don’t even know if white people have popularized a

“Professional dancing” do u rly just mean euro derived dancing that carries more cultural capital and respect by virtue of being white?

“Your words clearly more than hinted at a specific problem and condescending attitude towards a specific type of dance.”

And there is the problem. You don’t know anything about hip-hip dancing, and by the tone of the comment likely don’t want to take the time to do the research an inform yourself. Instead you chose to make a comment which reflects lack a knowledge and then pass it off as your “opinion”. That is what people are

I don’t like these black people dances, but when I got side-eye for saying it I pivoted to “We need to stop making women dance.”

Cunning strategy <.<

If you hate dancing not done by professionals, say only that. If you hate dancing in gymnastics, say only that. Your words clearly more than hinted at a specific problem and condescending attitude towards a specific type of dance. People aren’t letting those kind of trying-to-be-sly, snide remarks slide as much as

Then you are uninformed. There are many, many different types of hip-hip dances, from the subtle and small to the energetic and complicated. Hip hop has been around for about 40 years, so it is only logical that there are different dances. The video you showed are two professional dancers doing intricate choreography

You’ll never get anywhere in the gymnastics game disrespecting your opponents like that. Doesn’t she know that kids are watching? They’re probably wondering if she knows she doesn’t look like a good role model to the youth of Tennessee. I miss the days of McKayla Maroney and her screw face. I don’t know, there was