
gives them more freedom than they could ever get in 95% of the world

Well, your reading of Steve Rogers’ values is a pretty big stretch that I’m not sure is completely consistent with how the character has been portrayed over the years. Steve Rogers first fought The Sons of the Serpent alongside his fellow Avengers in 1966. The primary issue they fought over? Immigration. The Sons of

Well, that would be wholly inconsistent with how the character has been presented for decades. But what they’re doing now is not - its pretty much in line with stories they’ve done for decades.

The sad thing is, the real-life equivalents of these people can be even more cartoonishly evil than the ones in the comics. Like the dickwanks who drain the watering stations set up along some immigration paths to prevent death by dehydration. Even the Sons of the Serpents haven’t sunk so low as to doom immigrants to

It could also be because by paying lower wages, you’re lowering the expectations of what they should be paid.

actual politicians already suggested that people take refugees in their homes because there is not enough space.”

I haven’t heard one mainstream politician on a national level suggest this. Maybe some local politician somewhere.. Not sure. But a lot of people are offering to open their homes to refugee children

Friendly reminder that no one’s born an asshole.

It really is that simple however. The world produces enough food to feed everyone on it. We have enough space for everyone. We just don’t want to share. Some people have 8 bedroom mansions on 100+ acres of land but live alone while others have nowhere to live. We have decided that it’s OK to be this way and we can

Ah, Europe. A group of nations that (for the most part) likes to toot it’s horn when it comes to saying it’s a progressive, open, caring, humanitarian collective....yet when when it comes time to actually test it, they look at hordes of sick, underfed, scared refugees who just want to live in a place that’s not

I would expect Connie to be awesome in many ways, also probably due to her parents being Major Kusanagi and Togusa

Very well. Now imagine this Ocelot video, except he is only wearing a thong.

Those are extra scenes. Quiet’s outfit and sexy posing is standard and lasts the entire game.

And now you know how the straight chicks feel about the original! Cept, I suppose it’s not so much unappealing as it is “oh god, not this again.”

it’s almost like context and power structures are a thing hmm


Thing is, Bricken? When I first started reading this site a few years ago, I thought you were great. You had good perspectives on comics and comics-related pop culture. Sometime between now and then you shifted to “write articles that are designed solely to pit one group of fans against another” or “make wild

Spoken like a true terrible person.

Once you go down that type of F2P shithole and start treating your customers like enemies you can fight with metrics, then there’s no reason to treat your employees any better than your customers, since those are disposable metric meatbags too. This is all the Zynga playbook.

“Plus this is miles better than the whole videogame women done like they should be in reality which was basically making female videogame characters overweight and calling that normal.”