
Not being native to a region doesn’t mean people of color never visited or existed in that region, dude. There’s tons of evidence that supports everywhere in Europe had contact with people of color at some point — the idea that “Slavic” and “Western European” empires never had contact with/never had populations of

Oh my god it’s hilarious how wrong you are.

No, you’re racist.

Or, and I know this is crazy, Bungie and Activision could not make you buy a separate product from the as yet unreleased $40 expansion to access content within that $40 expansion.

Getting into a Beta is one thing. This is them saying “we’ve all this content, it’s $40, but lets take this mission out of that and stick

That is an odd stance to me. Most other things we can return if we don’t like it. Even food in a restaurant. Sure, if you eat the entire thing it makes things questionable, but most restaurants will STILL give you a refund on your meal. Clothing stores started clamping down much to their detriment. Now many major

Does it fucking matter? It’s truth. Regardless the outlet

The shooter was 21 years old. As much fun as it is to say all the racist/sexist/homophobic etc etc problems in our society can be solved by simply waiting for all our Olds to die off, these mentalities are very much alive and well in people our age and younger, as this man demonstrates.

This problem can’t be solved by

Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!

You realize this was translated from Japanese, right?

Bombs (nuclear ones) and militaristic invasions...

As an American, I whole-heartedly agree with Miyazaki’s essay. Especially the part about Nuclear bombs, Agent Orange in Vietnam, anti-NATO, etc.

To be fair, hating the America that, especially at that time, was unapologetic at dropping nukes on Japan is a pretty valid argument...and a probably fueled a lot of his animosity.

If America nuked my country twice, I’d probably dislike it too.

Fair points, to be honest.

Fantasy Life 2 on mobile. I want to cry but I can’t feel feelings anymore.

IMHO, there's a difference between gaming the system and wrecking the system.

Not really. This isn't a clever gaming of the system. It's something that's extremely obvious, and hasn't happened because people realized it'd at best severely damage the Hugos. The Puppies don't get credit for being clever dogs, but for not being housebroken.

It means "thanks for your super compelling and original contribution." People care about awards. It reflects status in the field, whether or not you care. To write off people's concerns as stupid because those things don't occur to you, well...

Actually, it's about ethics in...