Wow this comment got bad fast
Wow this comment got bad fast
I’ll prolly get shit for this but whatever. I have a ton of sex toys of varying sizes, and I do have an interchangeable male/female doll torso, too (no space or money for anything larger). You are right when you say that I am not willing to engage in the emotional labor required for real sex. But that’s not because…
I... don’t hate it? It’s catchy as hell, which is standard for JT. I can’t help thinking about how dated that video is going to look a few years from now though.
I’ve been terrified of Pittsburgh ever since The Last of Us.
“Fucking Pittsburgh, man.”—A Clevelander who is really a hater because he really likes Pittsburgh so fucking much that he spend a whole fucking day looking at soapboxes at the Warhol Museum because the August Wilson House was closed that day
The USCT have a strong connection to Pittsburgh history.
Okay I’m going to be the worst here, and this is based purely on my experiences. I am not a doctor. But, for Depressed Work Chick:
They did this same thing with Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman. This is disgraceful.
hilarity ensued.
OMG a raunchy man writer has paired up with a rauncy woman comedian and you wont believe what squirts next.
It undermined black women’s credibility...
I encourage everyone to read not only the article where this was cited, but all the articles in the series. Only a few have been released thus far, but there is an excellent look at the health care scene as well.
I’d be more sympathetic if Beyoncé weren’t so keen on using other people’s artistic property without crediting or paying them, herself.
I gotta disagree with you on this one Panama.
These people aren’t stupid, nor do they believe half the shit they spew out of their mouths. It’s not like conservatives have been presented with mere allegations, whilst conjuring up the most delusional fantasies ever in defense of the indefensible.
At this point, that old…
Yes, cheating = AIDS and people with AIDS deserve to be spied on.
Did you read the article? Look he made a mess of stating his thoughts, but it was more about why did we sideline a Black man, when Casey Afflek had three women come forward about abuse, and he won a fucking academy award anyway.
One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.
Turkey is the trash of poultry.