
Glad you agree that we need to increase the minimum wage.

I’m curious if she covers the role of the flu in the 1918 US elections, in which a number of historians have blamed it for the low turnout that ended up switching control of both houses of Congress that cycle.

Having a husband that has Cystic Fibrosis / double lung transplant person on immuno suppressants for the rest of his life and can be put into the ICU from even just getting a cold, I am a firm believer in getting the flu shot. As a person working in healthcare, I assure you its medically impossible to “get the flu”

41 here, lighter shorter periods for a few years now, a single mild headache is now the only indication a period is imminent (it used to be horrid cramps). I also had bowel cancer a few years back and thought maybe the changes were due to the stress on my body for that (it made me very anemic so I thought maybe my

I think it’s different now. I spend a lot of time with my sister and her children and many years ago I asked her, “Do your kids know I’m gay?” She said, “Well, yes, but I never told them. They’re not stupid. Sometimes you show up with [my husband], sometimes alone, all they care about is seeing you. They know you

Ugh SAME. I lived in one place that, despite being kind of a dump, had a video intercom so it would show you who was buzzing without having to hit any buttons or respond at all. That thing was amazing.

Gen-X’er here too. Starred for New Order. They’re awesome and still putting on great shows.

Here’s how the non-homicide version of that is supposed to go:

That’s how my sisters explained my husband and I to our nieces and nephews.

Now playing

Every time I see the words “love triangle” in relation to this case, my brain inevitably goes here, for I am solidly Gen X:

Two cannibals were eating a clown. The first cannibal turns to the second cannibal and asks “Does this taste funny to you?”

Hmm. Lets see. This happened in 1990, which coincidentally is when the first IT movie was released. 27 years later(also the period of time between when IT is active), she gets caught. This is either extremely well planned viral marketing, or this woman is actually Pennywise.

This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.

Shhh! That’s a competitor’s product!

I want no dissension...just dynamic tension...

A catch-all term for anyone in the LGBTQA+ spectrum. The acronym gets clunky, so queer’s an easy, inclusive term.

All In The Family, or “Archie Bunker” as Tim Allen calls it (he may be thinking of the spinoff, “Archie Bunker’s Place”) was a cultural force because of Norman Lear and how it held a stark light up to outdated bigoted sentiment in the face of the cultural revolution of the late Sixties and Seventies.

If they think they’re more likely to be seen, it helps on the whole street (Random dog poop is reduced, too - keep a roll of doggie bags by your chair to hand out to owners without them. If they didn’t honestly forget bags of their own, they’ll quickly change their walk to other streets to avoid getting called out.)

Side note: Some people (men) always seem averse to (scared of) any stemware that isn’t made for holding a big, bold California red or a few manly fingers of whiskey. Frequently, bartenders will try to lull these lugs with a story about how the coupe glass was originally molded after the shape of Marie Antoinette’s