
You talking about the original game? If so, I believe it was on Dreamcast as well

The only things I know or hear about this game are: everyone likes it, buffs and nerfs roll out, everyone complains, and then the developers roll over to accommodate those with raised pitchforks, rinse and repeat. Did I miss anything? Also, does git gud at game apply here?

Same price that’s on steam at the moment

Same price that’s on steam at the moment

I’d rather have seen the movie and been pleasantly surprised. That can’t happen now. What else are they going to spoil about this movie, or the next  sci-fi movie or show that we, the io9 community, are interested in? When does it stop, if it ever will?

I just want the title to be changed is all.

All I’m saying, is all I’m saying. But really, I just want the title to be changed here, front page, where everyone can see.

I’d have accepted being called salty, because indeed that’s what I am at this moment.

Resort to name calling, cool. Thanks for sticking up for the poor writer who can’t defend his or her actions. It’s most definitely appreciated by them in sure.

Yes, Citizen Kane was released in 1941, thanks though.

Sorry, but holy Jesus upside down on a cross, could you please change the title of your post from something not so spoilery? I have been avoiding anything from that movie for as long as possible, and sure enough, bam, here it is. It’s not enough that we have plot spoiling trailers, but now this?!?!?