This is my burner account

MAYYYBBEEE I’m just being bitchy today but this seems more like a humblebrag than an actual thing that happened.

People who treat nature as their own personal canvas infuriate me.

I think for an increasing number of people (or maybe they’re just more willing to own up to it), parenting is something they enjoy having done, rather than something they enjoy doing. Also, I think that the most rewarding moments of parenting (and family life, generally) are typically the ones that other people aren’t

All choices have consequences.

Sorry if this is graphic but they DO sell baby parts. And not just any baby parts.....

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

The answer to your questions are:

technically, VCU is west of 95.

I am very surprised Jezebel would post a story of a woman getting abused and exploited like it was funny.

It seems really irresponsible to publish the photo of a woman who is being outed as a sex worker without her consent and totally unverified. Why not block out her face? Even in the context of the story where she is assaulted , held against her will and possible sexually assaulted “Jess” did not want to be outed.