
Wait, is Yara a hostage? I thought that was her hanging from the bowsprit.

You guys……ok, so don't know if this has come up since I last checked comments on Sunday night, but rewatched episode with husband last night. I'm more watching the psychological relationships, DH, with background in financial planning and insurance saw it completely differently.
So…..Jimmy's descent will be fueled by

I want to believe that little smooch on the head was an adlib.

Wow, thank you so much. That is the most well informed response I've ever gotten to this question. I'm going to have to think on some of the things you said, because while I read it and understood it, I'm not sure I "got" it, but you've given me a lot to work with.

Thank you for the response! I fear I used the wrong terminology. I understand your answer, as it pertains to the state of her soul and sin, but I guess where I was going, and again, I just lack the specialized vocabulary in the subject- is…..As I understood it, what separates man from animal is the ability to choose

Isn't he amazing? I recommend him to people all the time, but is all "all the books are good, but they're all wildly different, and they're hard to explain, like there's a short story about floating fish? And another one about missionaries on another planet? And one about a Victorian prostitute?" You sound crazy

Did you read the "sequel", The Apple? It's a collection of short stories that continues the story of some of the secondary characters. I loved Crimson so much I reread it every other year or so, so some more of that world was a gift.

Yeah, I know that, but don't they also teach that the ability to make the choice between right and wrong is what makes us human, and therefore have a soul? Like animals aren't sinning when they kill, because they don't know it's wrong. It is a sin when humans kill, because we have the ability to know the difference

I'm very interested to see where they go with the Girolamo thing.
As a lapsed Catholic, who still loves the churches and the art, and will probably always embrace the cultural aspect bravo to the person who called this porn for the lapsed.

Stupid trivia time, polar bears have dark skin under their fur, which helps them retain heat from the sun. An albino polar bear wouldn't have the dark skin.

Lack of pigment in most mammals eyes comes out as blue. The animals you've seen with pink eyes, mice and rabbits and stuff have incredibly thin irises, so you're seeing the back of the eye THROUGH the iris. If you look close enough, the iris is whitish on the eyeball. Humans and other larger animals with bigger

Ok, some of this I know, we had a retired Globetrotter open a restaurant down the road from us years ago, and he gave a bunch of interviews to drum up business, some of it is guessing from having seen a couple games.

No reason for her to have a sousaphone. Already saw a concert tuba onstage….just going for visual gag there.

It's become appointment viewing each week with my 10yo daughter. She gets so excited about each plot "twist". It's a delight to watch her watch it without any cynicism.

Oh, yes, they are definitely still around. They're even becoming resistant to the tried and true chemical treatments of the past. They're still here and they're getting stronger!

Nah, they had them in the 80s even. I didn't like mint as a kid, so they were the only acceptable tic tacs

I thought for sure that the anemia that turned out to be nothing would be the daughter in law poisoning him.

Tangled makes me intensely uncomfortable. My kid loves it, but she doesn't know how close Mother Gothel is to grandma.

So, do we think the part with Abigail's dad actually happened? I know how it went down in the books, but he had help getting those bones. Did he actually dig up the body and pose it?

Did anyone ever get the feeling that the Rhys Ifans part in Little Nicky was meant for Izzard? I asked him that, at one of his after show Q&As, and he wasn't familiar with the movie (not an Adam Sandler fan?). But seemed very interested when I told him about the character's panache, and the whole "BEES!" bit.