Note taken. The Seahawks forgot to publish a memorandum reminding everyone that they had a patent on the “locked arm tribute”
Note taken. The Seahawks forgot to publish a memorandum reminding everyone that they had a patent on the “locked arm tribute”
Maybe you should find a new past-time. One without other people to inconvenience you. Like masturbation.
Go fuck yourself, they aren’t trained apes. They’re people, and they have concerns beyond their jobs, the same as everyone else. They don’t owe you shit. Divisive. For what, telling the goddamn truth.
Pretty fucking disrespectful of the person taking that photograph of the guy raising his fist in the air because they’re obviously not looking at the flag or showing the flag respect during the anthem. Seriously. And the ball boy on the field should also be shot because it’s fucking disrespectful to not have your full…
I’m on board with Tom Segura’s theory that any grown man who gets upset by bad language is overcompensating to hide that he’s a psychopath who chops up kittens in his basement.
Yeah, I’m not against sustenance and maintenance hunting in most cases, but that’s fucking weird. Like... just give the deer a clean death and then make good use of the meat. The whole smiling and posing in photos with a dead animal thing is creepy as hell.
Ok, is it just me, or are hunting commercials getting more and more...overt, these days? There’s another one that’s airing now that’s showing a bunch of super emotional people killing their first deer, etc. I’m not against hunting, per se, but it just seemed a little bit gauche to be like “Cry happy tears about…
Have you seen the hunting clothing commercials he’s doing with his Dad? He’s just a likable, relatable country boy who wants to tell you about killing his first deer! Ugh.
She was a untalented tv actress on show on a off brand network. Who had one turn in one good movie. I don’t know, why she’s acting like this. Girl, get it together.
In the same interview Aldean talks about how insulting it was to have his music referred to as “bro-country.” What a fucking dipshit.
All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.
Now we know that someone in the NFL or with the Panthers saw the multiple brain-rattling blows to Cam Newton’s head and thought hey, maybe he’s concussed, we should check on him. We do not know when they thought this, but we know they made sure to wait until the game was over to do anything about it.
On military bases they absolutely do play the anthem before movies at the theaters. And everybody is expected to stand at attention facing the flag on the screen.
The commissioner of my league refused to let me draft Kap in the 16th round as a sign of support. Ironically, he has the Hawks D. Can’t wait to see what he has to say if this happens!
I kinda like it. I can read power five analysis anywhere.
As a Hawks fan who has spit (metaphorically) in Kap’s face a number of times, my respect for him tripled upon his initial protest,
I really like the idea of this becoming increasingly nuanced and parsed, to the point that Joe Flacco and two assistant QB coaches are standing for the first one minute and thirty-six seconds of the anthem, kneeling for the next twelve seconds, and then doing push-ups for the last eight, because that’s how you…
Given the explicit thoughtful statements of Doug Baldwin in the Seattle Times (linked, and partially excerpted by Barry Petchesky), your comment seems unnecessarily dismissive.