
Yes, but there was a lot less pussy-grabbing than I was led to believe there would be.

Do I really have to be the one to state the obvious? That she’s not talking about Kansas, but about how she imagines “Liberaltown, USA”. She’s projecting.

CBS old people officially kill the word “Diss” dead AF.

Anybody get a sniff count? I lost it around thirty but that was early.

Trump just gave a concise classy answer.

Good job respecting his children. Juke!

“I will represent you, minorities I speak so awkwardly of. I plan to meet several of you so that I know more about you than the generals.”

Trump:”Fuck Mike Pence”.

“That’s a very good question I’m not”SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF” gonna answer.”

Pence would do better against Clinton than Trump? AW HAIL NAW!

Well Cam clearly wanted to be smashed unconscious because he was acting like he is special. He was asking for it.

If you were stranded in the wilderness and the only way to survive was to eat your own flesh, what part of you would you eat first?

Well, the only Trumpster Fire supporters left are crazy racists, so...

Is that a microphone right there or are you just thinking about stripping minorities of their vote again?

GOP Candidates, 1969-2015: (Barely audible whisper) “Hey racists, we love us some you...”

He came with the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons...

When I was at SDSU in the 80's, I was an opinion columnist for The Daily Aztec for a time.

Now playing

Also, the band who made Refused possible still crushes it:

Fuck no Magary. If you draft any Ram to your fantasy team you deserve the derision of a thousand old ladies who were told you just ordered the last of the meatloaf at Bob Evans. you should have to get a shame tattoo just for that.

That article is a lame stream media lie! Mike Napoli quit because he was tired of the status quo.