
Good point. But there are already additional penalties for shooting a cop. This is like another another thing. And while I certainly do not object to “protecting cops”, and frankly do not really view this as that big of a deal, it does get a little tiresome that these politicians (in this case Dem governor and Repub

Criminal A: “Hey fellow criminal, what sorts of crimes are you committing today?”

Shooting firefighters-STILL illegal in all fifty states, and the greater civilized world.

Contards universally reject gun control laws because “criminals don’t care about your librul laws!” and only law-abiding citizens will obey them.

I’m pretty sure Loria is counting on Climate Change to not only wipe out his stadium debt, but probably pay off handsomely on that insurance he probably has on the joint.

I don’t know, I only read the last two lines.

Since I am a white American male, I’m checking my privilege right now.

I must admit I was all English Beat/Gen Pub, but then came Nirvarna and I abandoned all non-grunge for a decade. That shit was just too in my wheelhouse. DHC were just a victim of timing with me.

Probably you’re already down below typing “slow news day?” But whatever, you totally didn’t see it until I mentioned it.

I suppose it depends. Just had a lively convo regarding “Poe’s Law”, with my position being that although I understood the possible sarcasm of the comment I replied to, I was not in fact a douche just because I wasn’t intimately familiar with this particular writer’s sense of humor and et cetera.

A girl named Sunshine?! Goddamned hippies have ruined America.

DIE HERETIC! You Third Wave punks disgust me.

Since TN Renard is too hip to give you some love, I’d like to step in and offer:

YOU LIE! Ska was never popular after the 80's.

All that, and (of course!)she knows how to roll a joint.

I get downright irresistible after three tequilas. Doesn’t even matter who drinks ‘em.

D’Oh! You’re right, that is officially the best part.

Actually, you might want to read the Wikipedia entry for Poe’s Law, which unequivocally has my back.

I considered your POV but there was no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or ;-) so by Unwritten Rules of teh Internets I am justified in accepting it at face value.

This might be the least self-aware comment I’ve read in the history of Jezebel, at least from a person whom I would presume draws a paycheck from it.