Yeah I thought Lehanna right away. Rihcaprio does not roll off the tongue well.
This is to boxing what 'Chinese Democracy' was to Guns 'n' Roses.
I called and asked Kim's bank account what she did.
Hell to the No.
Welcome to flavor country:
Stop drinking milk!? You're talking Mad Max times woman!
Hey now, no need to sass me.
Oh, I'm sorry high level executive from another team, but the correct answer was, "The Browns are doing what? Fine. Now let's talk about how we're going to raise ticket prices next year..."
Man that kid popped right up. 13-year-olds are too ADD to even fake a serious injury for more than fifteen seconds before just getting the hell up and blowing it completely.
While I agree whole-heartedly with the gist of your take, I must make a point that there is often not any way you are walking. My old man in law can barely walk unencumbered across the room.
What's so hard about a straight up business deal? You want a stadium, you pour a percentage of the total gross profit back into the community in perpetuity. The community does with it what it will. Done and done.
Just the legs on fire then?
I hope this helps.
It did feel pretty good.
Come on man. I'm just funnin' with ya. Lighten up, you're in the bombest position that any fan of any team can ever be in-On the mountaintop, looking down at all us jamokes sadly clutching our Wilson, Flacco, and Luck jerseys in crumpled defeat. No one can ever take that away. Enjoy it.